Columbus Aero Service - Available Avionics Capabilities
Avionics Troubleshooting and Repair
Columbus Aero Service Shop rate for Avionics Troubleshooting and Repair is $150 an hour. There are no flat-rate costs associated with troubleshooting. Although, repair costs can be flat-rated depending on the type of repair needed.
VFR and IFR Certifications
A typical VFR certification for 1 transponder and 1 altitude encoding source is $150. This does not include any associated troubleshooting and/or repair.
A typical IFR certification with up to 2 altimeters, 2 transponders and 2 pitot/static systems is $750. This does not include any associated troubleshooting and/or repair.
Let us know what Columbus Aero Service can do for you!
Columbus Aero Service, LLC
5290 Armour Rd. Hangar E, Columbus, GA 31909